W.O.F for Conexpo 2017

by Charles Fairbairn

Last month I was asked to attend a work conference in Las Vegas.

The rigmarole of simultaneously renewing a passport and dealing with a Visa application is now behind me. I thought I had everything more or less sorted.

Until today. This morning I received an email comprising tips from Con-expo veterans of yore, wanting to help young novices such as myself.

‘What could they want to share?’ I thought as I clicked into the link.

It turns out that invitations to the Las Vegas convention centre come with a health warning. Here was I thinking I could turn up in my rubber sole Italian shoes and get by on natural talent, but no. Tip No.4 warns: Bring multiple pairs of comfortable shoes.

Despite attending domestic conferences for the past decade I’ve never been advised to get in shape. But Tip No.11 breaks the game open-Start training now to get in shape!!

Clearly Conexpo is going to help me exorcise memories of lethargic conferences from the past. Like AQA 2014, held in the foyer of Whangarei Events Centre, or the Landscape Architecture Conference in a broom cupboard at the Napier Conference Centre in 2008.

If I start training now I might just pass our company ‘beep’ test!




Author: ContrafedPublishing

Account manager at Contrafed Publishing - look after advertising and digital media/marketing for the company's suite of magazines.

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