Civil Contractors/Hirepool Construction Excellence Awards 2017: Category One A’s Winner

Category 1A: Projects with a value of less than $5 million (company turnover less than $10 million)

Winner: CCL – Jackson Street Wastewater Renewals

An old earthenware poorly aligned sewer pipe along part of Jackson Street that dated back to 1910 was showing signs of severe tree root infestation and collapse. The pipe also passed beneath a private house.

Construction Contracts Ltd (CCL) was contracted to replace and realign the sewer pipe in what was one of the most difficult and complex projects undertaken of this nature.

CCL rose to the challenge and showed innovation in proposing a new alignment design which significantly minimised the environmental impacts to private property compared to a design previously submitted.

The project also required diplomacy in liaising with the owners of affected residences and upmost care in implementation so as to minimise disturbances to land and gardens. A process of regular communication and consultation was established with CCL taking the lead in instigating and maintaining a good working relationship with home owners and other stakeholders. Issues were carefully considered and by working with residents solutions found.

95 metres of HDPE pipe was laid by open trenching along the new alignment, 45 metres was installed by directional drilling, while a further 75 metres was laid by hand in areas where machinery could not be used due to access limitations, necessitating the use of modified tools and barrows. This required a significant amount of stamina and physical hard labour digging through weathered and solid greywacke on steep terrain in wet and extremely cold conditions.

To minimise disruption to residents, sewage and wastewater services were maintained throughout the project via overland pipes and pumps connected to the sewer downstream of the work area.

The project was completed within budget and timeframe with the sewer installed to contract specifications and all affected residential properties reinstated to best trade practice standard.

The complexity of this project was recently recognised with the contractor receiving the 2017 CCNZ local branch Wellington/Wairarapa Construction Award, Category A, and it was also successful in gaining the ACC Workplace Safety Award at the 2016 Wellington Gold Awards

Author: ContrafedPublishing

Account manager at Contrafed Publishing - look after advertising and digital media/marketing for the company's suite of magazines.

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