Invitation from Local Government magazine : To share your ideas on infrastructure funding

At Local Government Magazine we want to get a sense of the range of ideas out there. We’re interested in everything from minor incremental improvements through to the outright wacky paradigm-changing stuff. Then we’ll sift through it and write a piece for you to enjoy. One approach: start from first principles. Imagine you’ve just arrived in a new land with no government and no civil infrastructure. You have to build the ideal model for local and central government infrastructure development and management. You might consider who the communities of interest really are and the interdependencies between regions and the nation from a social and NZ Inc economic viewpoint. Imagine what New Zealand could be if we got all that lined up. All contributions will remain anonymous unless you indicate otherwise. A good starting place might be to consider the community and economic benefits released from a well-integrated and mutually-supportive local and central government, and we are not placing any word limits. Please send your thoughts to We would like all submissions by the end of April.

Author: ContrafedPublishing

Account manager at Contrafed Publishing - look after advertising and digital media/marketing for the company's suite of magazines.

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